Ultrarunner fighting Atrial Fibrilation (AF)

This blog has pretty much always been about running ultras, mostly Hardrock. It still is but now it is also about running after AFib. I was forced to miss Hardrock in 2011 due to the onset of AF but my long term goal was to get back to running milers. And hopefully help any other runners with AF who stumble upon this site. I never made it into Hardrock in 2012, or 2013, or 2014. I didn't have a qualifier for 2015. I ran Fatdog in Canada instead. That was tough. I finished my 4th Hardrock in 2016 and now I'm back to try for the magical number 5.

If you want the history of my AF the heart problems all started back on May 25 2011: http://howmanysleeps.blogspot.com/2011/05/out-of-hardrock.html

Friday, August 04, 2006

WS100 ENTRY; Finding zen on the trail......

So I'm in. Confirmed acceptance as an automatic foreign entrant.
Suddenly I can relax and just enjoy my runnning until the build up next

Planned on doing 20km today but events conspired against me so I headed
out for 15 km on the local trail. I figured squeezing in a hard 15
might balance missing an easy 20. Felt great. Flew down the cementies
hill. I swear at one point it felt like I had wings. Turned into a
solid tempo style run. Ground out a couple of sub 4 min ks along the
river. Even ran strong back up the cementies hill. Passed a
mountain-biker on the way up. He had run out of gears. I still had a
couple left. I reckon the fatigue of that horror day at the GC100 has
finally been washed out of my legs. Had a solid 40 km on the tough
trails last weekend just a couple of weeks after the 45km Fat Ass.
Bugger cruising 12'. I might have a hit-out and see what happens. Like
the coach said: respect the miles, but also respect the miles in the
legs. With the toe in remission I'm banking more solid consistent miles
than the lead up to GH last year. Bring it on.

1 comment:

tim said...

are you for real!

So from feeding the rat to running like a mad man.

bloody WS and everyone running great is giving me the shits!!