Ultrarunner fighting Atrial Fibrilation (AF)

This blog has pretty much always been about running ultras, mostly Hardrock. It still is but now it is also about running after AFib. I was forced to miss Hardrock in 2011 due to the onset of AF but my long term goal was to get back to running milers. And hopefully help any other runners with AF who stumble upon this site. I never made it into Hardrock in 2012, or 2013, or 2014. I didn't have a qualifier for 2015. I ran Fatdog in Canada instead. That was tough. I finished my 4th Hardrock in 2016 and now I'm back to try for the magical number 5.

If you want the history of my AF the heart problems all started back on May 25 2011: http://howmanysleeps.blogspot.com/2011/05/out-of-hardrock.html

Sunday, December 31, 2006


So I can sign off a fairly successful running year. Started pretty
ordinary with itb problems forcing a dnf at Bogong. The fact that I
hadn't really trained at all meant this was no surprise. Then an
absolute crap run at Maroondah and I was thinking this could be a bad
year. Debuted 6' with a sub 5 hr-beer-bet-winning run that hurt like
hell, but got me back on track. Ran 88 mins in a "training run" at the
local 1/2 marathon. Happy with that. Had an absolute pearler of a run
at the Prom 100 before missing a late turn and adding a few kms and a
couple of hours. But it's hard to beat the Prom runs. I love that
place. Headed north for a cameo appearance at the GH50miler. Ran hard
with Spud and Dom for the first half then limped home on a sore itb for
a good hour pb. What's a few soft tissue issues between friends? For
some unknown reason I then decided to run the GC100 again. I guess the
kids holiday thing combined looked like a good package. Had probably
the worst run of my life and came away with a lasting momento of an
arthritic big toe. That was it for road/track races forever. I now had
a definite WS qualifier and the wait was on. Got the confirmed entry in
July. Lost a good month to the toe. 12' track in August was an
excursion into the familiar territory of ultras on no training. Well,
not quite. Once my toe allowed I had started logging some consistent
miles, albeit low volume, with a wish to avoid ever repeating the GC100
disaster. 12' was a race rather than a run this year. I was unprepared
for the competitiveness and was caught napping. That and some more itb
issues saw me tird to round up the mellum podium still in a pb of 12:20
something. Only 3 weeks until GH100. At least I didn't have a
Trailwalker to worry about. Given my limited prep I had no
expectations. Realistically I hoped to go 25 hours. That would have
been a pb and a good run. 22:38 and finishing with a near sprint over
the last 8 km was beyond my wildest dreams. Gave me endless confidence.
Went to Brindabella to see what everyone raves about. With a bit of an
affinity for down hill runs I thought I would have some fun. Boring
firetrail that pounded my quads and blew out one of my shoes midsoles
leaving me with a trashed achilles. 3 weeks to GNW and the pressure was
on. Tried a 10km run 2 weeks out and couldn't walk the next day. That
was it: no running and intensive rehab and icing for 2 weeks. It was
still tender through GNW but held together and another surprising
success with a finish after 5 weeks of averaging less than 15 km per
week (including Brindy). For the first time I actually thought I
wouldn't mind a crack at Kosci. Not this year, though. Crewing turned
into pacing after Tim pulled up lame and I managed to run/walk with
Spud for the last 90km up the mountain. Good taste for what is needed.
Maybe next year? So I haven't worked out my average mileage but I
wouldn't be surprised if I raced more than I trained. But it worked
when it counted. It confirmed my belief that running ultras is way more
mental than physical. Next year is WS year and everything pretty much
revolves around that. But I'm kicking the year off fitter and healthier
than the last so hopefully I can convert that into some good races.
Starting with 6'. This will be my launching pad. I have filled in my
calendar for the year but I am focused on 6' for now. Time to get
serious. Lets see what can be done when I really put my mind to it.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Fun run

Hammies are a little sore today after the tough session yesterday so
took it easy with just a couple of hours on the bike. Felt good and
cruised through the hills. I think losing those couple of extra kilos
that I've been carrying is really making a difference. That and all the
strength work in the gym is starting to pay off. Tomorrow Wendy makes
her racing debut with the Dawnbuster funrun around town. I haven't run
it since I was a member of the local running club years ago but she
wanted a target to build up to and the 5.5 km was achievable in the
time frame we had. I will run with her as pacer and possibly run home
to get a few more kms in to end the year on a positive note. Roll on

Friday, December 29, 2006

Focus on 6'

After 6' 2006 I said I wouldn't come back. While I love the course and
the race is really well organised, I had a real problem with the crowd.
I had won the infamous beer bet and gone sub 5 off a very limited prep
so decided to quit while I was ahead. But I've been seduced into a
return visit. And once Bogong was cancelled the deal was sealed. Now I
am focused on producing a good time. The only problem with that is the
associated obligation to train hard. I still have the Maroondah 50
first but I'm pretty much using that as a training run.
So with that in mind I hit the trail again today with a renewed
purpose. Well at least until UCB rang to confer on some important gear
purchase. I pushed the hills and floated that flats with fast turnover.
I was a little tired by the end but had cranked out some quality ks.
The tricky achilles was a little sore once I cooled down but I'm on the
road again. The 2 Bays next weekend will be a good measure of where I'm

Small steps

Short run tonight. Short week at work but still tired. I should be
bursting with energy with all the days off and the build up for Bogong.
I think I overdid the weights. And I was back on the stairs today......

Monday, December 25, 2006

Ready to start the new year

So I haven't had time, energy or inclination to post to this blog in
ages. But as the year draws to a close I start to refocus on my main
aim for 2007: Western States. I had a solid trail run today. Since
Bogong was cancelled I stopped with the heat acclimatisation and
carrying 5kg on my back with every run. I still had a pack on after
running with W and the dogs but it was near empty. I did 3 hard hill
repeats on the Nature Trail loop. I bombed the steep technical downhill
section. On the second run there were a couple of old walkers on their
way up and I couldn't resist getting some big air time off one of the
bike ramps as I went past. I don't think my knees were too
appreciative, but it sure was a buzz. I was out for about 3 hours total
with some solid up-hill power walking and fast and furious downs. I
will do 2 Bays in a couple of weeks, 55km. Then Maroondah, 54km in
February. Six foot in March, 46km. Prom in April, 100km. May still
deciding between the 80km night run at Glasshouse, as I have done the
last couple of years or Walhalla. I figure with petrol the way it is it
will be just as cheap to go to GH. And it is a perfect training run.
Then I need one last solid hitout at the end of May. I would love to do
a Fatass 12' but the credits are already wearing thin. And with GH100
and GNW100 still to go in the year I could be in big trouble........So
many races and so little cartilage left. Every run now feels like a
training run for WS. Common sense and the coach say that all the races
should be run and not raced. But that is near impossible. And I'm only
doing 6' if I'm in good shape. Which I should be. And after the shocker
at Maroondah last year I will want to run that hard. And GH50 is hard
to hold back with the first 10km all downhill. Oh well, I guess that's
the way I approach all my ultras so why should I change this year?

Friday, October 13, 2006

Niggles and going soft

The entry is in for Brindy. If I worried about every pain I got I'd
never run. Someone suggested the soft option of doing the half-Brindy.
Not likely. That's just not Mellum. Next they'll suggest I should do a
track race! Or worse: join a squad and get a coach! :P
Won't be doing much between now and heading up to Canberra but hey, do
I ever? This will be my last big hit out before GNW. That is the focus.
Finish the year with a big one. GNW or bust.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Brindy or not to Brindy?

Ran tired tonight. But was more concerned about my knee. It was OK on
the run but has been worrying me all day at work. And to make matters
worse my boss has come back from leave and I'm sure he's mashed his
meniscus. Too close to home......
I have to lodge my entry tomorrow if I'm going to Brindabella. Where
are those dice?

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Oh yeah, only 258 more sleeps.
Hang in there knee.


Managed 3 hours of solid trail today. The knee niggled again. Not itb.
It's intra-articular. Never a good thing. The question is do I risk
pounding the crap out of it with 50 kms of downhills at Brindabella or
save it for GNW? I need the hit-out before GNW and I just won't get it
training on my own. And if it's gonna go then it's gonna go. And I've
wanted to run Brindy for years and never been fit (ie uninjured) or
been able to get there or the course was changed for the fires. So this
is it. Now or never. I'm beginning to look at each run as potentially
my last on that course so I have to give my all. When have I not?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Perils of track

While out on my evening run I was pondering the recent 24hr track race
and puzzling how some of the regulars had had such bad runs. I was
thinking I shouldn't criticise as I haven't run one. Then I got to
thinking: how hard could it be? Maybe I could just do one so that I can
cast judgment from experience. And I was thinking how far could I go. I
was running effortlessly on the open grassy fairway of a golf course
under a full moon contemplating these possibilities when a sharp pain
jabbed me in the knee, almost collapsing my leg and me with it. I
stopped and walked. Damn track. Even just thinking about it is bad for
you. The trail gods were not happy. I reaffirmed my pledge to not run
track and gingerly started running again. My knee gradually came good.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

On target for 12' and the Mellum Mothership is launched.

Had an easy 20km run today. Was a little stiff to start out after a
solid weight session last night but loosened up after an hour or so.
Stuck to trails as much as possible, crossing at the falls twice
despite the river being up. The crossing was slippery and under water
but only ankle deep and not so strong that I feared being washed over
the falls. The constant drizzle made the rocks greasy on the long
downhill back to the golf course. I figured if I didn't actually touch
the ground then I couldn't slip so tried to float across them. It
seemed to work.

I have meetings all week after work so will be pressed for time so will
probably just do a couple of sharpening sessions to freshen up for

The new kombi is settling in well. It's going to make a great crew
vehicle. If I was going solo to 12' I would have driven it up. The
personalised plates finish it off nicely.

Friday, August 04, 2006

WS100 ENTRY; Finding zen on the trail......

So I'm in. Confirmed acceptance as an automatic foreign entrant.
Suddenly I can relax and just enjoy my runnning until the build up next

Planned on doing 20km today but events conspired against me so I headed
out for 15 km on the local trail. I figured squeezing in a hard 15
might balance missing an easy 20. Felt great. Flew down the cementies
hill. I swear at one point it felt like I had wings. Turned into a
solid tempo style run. Ground out a couple of sub 4 min ks along the
river. Even ran strong back up the cementies hill. Passed a
mountain-biker on the way up. He had run out of gears. I still had a
couple left. I reckon the fatigue of that horror day at the GC100 has
finally been washed out of my legs. Had a solid 40 km on the tough
trails last weekend just a couple of weeks after the 45km Fat Ass.
Bugger cruising 12'. I might have a hit-out and see what happens. Like
the coach said: respect the miles, but also respect the miles in the
legs. With the toe in remission I'm banking more solid consistent miles
than the lead up to GH last year. Bring it on.

WS Entries are open! and Ironbark 45

I typed this on July 22nd but didn't get around to posting it to the

I've been having trouble accessing coolrunning this week which is
frustrating. As if to compensate, there has been a million emails from
the Mellum crew to keep me entertained and of course the Tour which is
coming to a close. I've been checking the WS web site nightly waiting
for the application for entry to go up. And then Kelvin posted on cr
today that they are up. I have results of the GC100 photocopied. I just
need the money order for the entry fee and I'm entering. Here's hoping.

Ran the 45km Ironbark Fat Ass last Sunday. After some interest when I
first announced the idea a couple of months ago, there was only 4
starters, with only 2 of us planning to go the full distance. It had
rained steadily all day Saturday so I was half expecting no-one to
show. I arrived early but dismissed plans of marking a couple of
corners seeing as how there was likely to be no-one coming. About 8:45
CathyP and Gary arrived from Melbourne. They were planning to just go
out for an hour and turn around. No sign of Damien who lives locally
and had emailed me just Friday. So we took a self-portrait photo and
were about to head down to the beach at a couple of minutes to 9 when
Damien rolled into the carpark. So we were 4. We had a great run. Cathy
and Gary turned back at the top of the Jarosite mine track for a
roughly 20km round trip. Damien and I picked up the pace a little and
ran well to the scout camp. The rain set in and the trail got slippery
but we made it to the turnaround in Anglesea in about 2:40ish. Damien
was met by his wife, daughter and friend. We refueled and headed back
into the misty rain.We ran hard to keep warm on the way back. We pretty
much had the trail to ourselves. A n old guy hooked up with us on the
ridge track and ran with us back to the Jarosite Mine track. I left
them behind on the down-hill. It was like a skating rink so I figured
the best defence was offence so I attacked the down-hill. We lost the
old guy but he took the road and caught us at the Bells carpark and ran
back to Jan Juc with us. The visibility was now terrible and I was glad
to reach the warmth of the car in a tick over 5 hours. WE jumped in and
I drove Damien home. You know you're running well when you start to
warm up after 4 hours of running. Felt good at the finish. I'll
organise this again but promote it a little more to get some more of
the Melbourne crew down.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Nearly a zen moment.

Headed down to the Ironbark Forest to start the trail marking for my
Fat Ass run on Sunday. Not sure why I'm bothering to mark it out. It
seems like I could be running it on my own. Well me and the whippets. I
don't mind though. It's given me extra excuses to get down there and go
for a run on my favourite track. I just hope it doesn't rain too much
between now and Sunday.
Parked above Southside on the road after marking the track in and out
of Bells Beach and across Southside carpark. I had my Mule on with the
new bottle holders that I wanted to try out and was carrying a bag of
flour in my hand. About 100 m into the bush and I tripped and had a
really heavy fall. Luckily the bag didn't burst or I would've been
covered in flour. I blame Tim. It was just after he had been
complaining about the possibility of falling while wearing Skins and
here I was in my linebreaks eating dirt, literally. I opened the wound
on my hand from my fall on Tuesday. Twice in one week. I never fall. I
trip occasionally but I can count all the falls I've ever had on one
hand. I reckon it's because of my sore toe. I am not pushing off
properly and that foot is not lifting as high. After recovering from
that I was out for just under 2 hours marking the major track
intersections. Ran to Point Addis and back, easy pace. I popped the
shuffle on close to finishing with only the trip down to the Jarosite
mine left. I flew down there and just cruised up the long climb out.
About halfway up I stopped and looked around. I love this place. I had
one of those epiphany-like moments where you realise just how good it
is to be out there. I think that is as close as I get to the infamous
Only 7 weeks until GH. I am getting really psyched out by all the hype
on CR. Everyone seems to be full of confidence while I am struggling
just to get out the door. I have adjusted my goals to meet my
limitations but am still worried how my toe will stand up to nearly 30
hours of pounding. Not to mention my ankle that aches just thinking
about it. Perhaps I should just do the 100km? I'll give it some
thought. Maybe I should just crew? I'll see how I go at 12'. Only 4
weeks away. That will be the real test. I'm really looking forward to
12', despite the injury woes and limited prep.

Friday, July 07, 2006

59 Sleeps 'till GH100

Man, I'm running out of time. I read somewhere recently a quote by
Deeks that you learn more from your bad runs than you do from your good
runs. There is so much truth to this. My only good run this year was
the Prom 100 where I finished the 80 km loop really strongly and if I
hadn't missed a turn on the last 20 km loop would have finished the 100
in a good time and in good form. Contrast that with my 100 on the
track/road at GC100 which was a disaster, and I have subsequently
reassessed my approach and plan to get me to GH100 in condition to
finish. The main hassle is recovering from my toe problem. That aside,
the GC100 taught me I need a more consistent mileage and not just rely
on the odd ultra. I have fleshed out a plan to get some fitness back
but there is precious little time and I will walk a fine line between
fitness and injury. With this in mind I have put my old road bike on
the rollers and climb on occasionally in lieu of a run. I will still
aim for the minimum 3 runs a week, including the longer weekend one. I
haven't got back onto the stairs yet. But with the bike and at least 2
weight sessions a week I hope I can get there. As I like to say: you
can bluff your way through a 100 km but 100 miles will find you out.
Just look at the DNF list for any 100 miler. I guess that's why I
didn't really feel like an ultra runner until I had finished GH. Gotta
love that shirt!
I am back running but still not pain free. But when am I ever totally
pain free these days? And it feels good to actually go for a run. The
focus in the next few weeks will be to get my long run up enough to get
me through 12'. Times will be irrelevant. In fact I will be running GH
very conservatively. Bugger the 24hr sirens. I have seen too many
shipwrecks chasing that one. No, I am now in build up mode for next

Friday, June 23, 2006

1 Sleep 'Till the Big One

Tomorrow is d-day for trail runners who have made the pilgrimage to the
Sierra Nevadas. I can only imagine the nerves I would be experiencing
had I made it there this year. The excitement of the build up would be
somewhat overwhelming. I can't wait to see the little blips make their
way across the map on the webcast. I might watch the dvd again tonight
as preparation and to help relate to the names on the map. I up-loaded
a pic of the silver buckle as my CR avatar. Thoroughly pretentious but
who cares. It reminds me every time I post that the next 12 months are
all about getting an entry, getting fit, and staying healthy. What the
hell. That's what it's been about for the last 12 months but I let the
brains trust talk me into prolonging the agony for another year. But as
John said half the fun is in the voyage to the starting line. With
plenty of ultras lined up between now and then I know I'm going to
enjoy the journey. If I can stay uninjured.

Had hoped to get out for a couple of hours of easy trail today. Took
the dogs for a run first to test the toe. Managed about 3 km on rough
grass wearing my old Tevas that have a stiff shank in the midsole but
ended in tears. So I took the coach's advice and dusted off the old
cannondale for a 1 1/2 hour ride. Did the Cementies hill twice then out
to the falls then up the road to Mount Pellier. Man am I unfit and my
legs weak. Bloody near killed me. Not to mention a few hairy incidents
on the loose gravel down hills. Must switch from the slicks back to mtb
treads. I'm going to put the old road bike onto the rollers in the gym.
I can cope with a tready when I'm injured but it has to be bad to get
on the rollers. 7 weeks to 12'. Getting bad. But then I'd limp 12'
rather than miss it. Keep Ken company. Might even persuade Kevin to
limp along at the back. That way when the rat appears I've only got to
out pace him....

Go John.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Big Toe Blues

Well, actually reds. It is still red. I haven't sort professional
help, as usual relying on my on inept diagnostics and some distant
curb-side consultations but I'm leaning towards gout! Crap. I really
don't want it to be gout but that would explain the incredible pain
and the duration of it. Also the onset several days after the run
rather than immediately. And the failure to respond to my usual home
remedies for soft-tissue injuries. Damn. I can at least walk now.
That's a start. Forget running. Maybe I might revisit mountain biking?
I like going downhill fast. It is interesting seeing the different
comments that this blogs elicits. From genuine empathy to harsh
criticism. Hmmm. Who's idea was this blog anyhow? I read recently in a
totally unreliable, unscientific article that you lose 10% of you
fitness after 1 week of not training. 20% after 2 weeks. Like I had
that much to lose! In retrospect that might explain my lack of
performance at GC100. If this were true I should have no fitness at
all by now. Well maybe it is. How fit do you need to play lawn bowls,
I wonder?

On a totally different topic I noticed that a legend of WS is retiring
this weekend: <fontfamily><param>Arial</param>Tim Twietmeyer recently
announced that his 25th running of the Western States 100 (WS100) this
June will be his last.


Monday, June 19, 2006

WS2006 vs World Cup

As the world watches the soccer World Cup unfold there are 400 odd
ultra runners making their way to the start line at Squaw Valley.
Sitting on the plane to the GC100 last week I couldn't help thinking I
should have been heading there myself. I had all the plans in place and
completing GH100 2005 gave me the necessary qualifier and confidence.
As I sit here with my aching toe elevated watching soccer in the early
hours of the morning I can only imagine the nervousness being
experienced by those counting down the last 6 sleeps until their race
begins. I won't be watching the world cup next weekend. The webcast of
the runner's progress will have all my attention.

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Crap. Never, never, never running that race again. Had probably my
worst ultra ever, competing with Maroondah Dam in Feb 2006 but worse
because it was twice as long and not on a trail. You know you are in
for a bad day when you feel crap 30 km into a 100 km race. I have to do
more training and take these things a little more seriously if I want
to avoid such ugly experiences. And to add insult to injury I have
ended up with an acutely inflamed IP joint in my big toe. This wasn't a
problem on the day. Tiredness. Tight ITBs/glutes and lifting toenails
didn't help. Poor food options. Bad early pacing. Which is ironic as I
went out with Roger Guard who I planned on sticking with because of his
great pacing ability. At the end of the first lap he pronounced that he
had gone out too fast. Bugger. We eased off and ran together on and off
for a few laps. He went on to still score a sub 10. I ran one lap with
Vivian who also protested that we were going too fast so I dropped
behind her to break the pace. She then left me for dead and finished
around 9 1/2. Went through the marathon under 4 hrs and 50 km under 5
hrs. Lack of fruit on the check points became a problem. If I had of
known I would have bought some the night before (late flight in). My
sister and kids arrived around midday with some sandwiches but I was
already off food. I switched to coke and my mp3 player much earlier
than usual but I figured I had nothing to lose as I felt terrible and
needed all reserves. Probably did the last 50 km on coke, juice and
water only. Ran a lap with Hermie before my pace fell right off. Vegie
Girl appeared track side and provided some much needed OJ. I was only
seeing runners as they passed me. I eventually had a little rest
trackside. I think I was actually curled up in the foetal position and
could have gone to sleep. I never really thought about a DNF but
seriously vowed to never return, using somewhat more flowery language.
Dave appeared as I was starting the 3rd last lap and joined me,
eventually completing 2 impromptu laps. This helped keep the pace up to
ensure a buffer for the 12 hour cut-off. Veg came out for the last lap
and dragged me around. I was down to a shuffle on the dark track and
kept wanting to reach up and switch on my headlamp, which of course I
didn't have. I lifted for the last lap of the track but was thoroughly
spent. I had nearly 1/2 an hour up my sleeve but the concept of missing
the cut was a strong motivator. A week later and I still cant walk. I
have a WS2007 qualifier but may have buggered up my training for GH100
in september. Have seriously considered just quitting ultras. If my toe
doesn't improve I might not have any choice.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Real Deal WS 2006

There are only 16 sleeps until WS 2006. There is still 50 cm of snow on
the high trail. It could be really tough going. There are runners still
looking for pacers. Ho, hum. I'll be watching the progress from my

3 days out from the GC100. Haven't had much of a lead up. Ran an easy
5km today with the puppies. A few niggles but that is standard. Once
you toe that line any pre-existing injuries don't count. Guaranteed
there'll be a few after. That concrete path is an absolute killer.
Plan: try and run fairly even splits and not get sucked along too
early. With no Fat Bloke, to tell stories and the entourage of Spud,
Run67 and G it won't be such a social occasion. I'll look for a more
sensible pace and see if I can bring it home stronger than last year.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Fat Ass going Soft aka Lard Ass

What's with this having water bags at Poor Mans Comrades? Why can't
people carry a bottle and fill it up when they see a tap, in true Fat
Ass style. No aid my arse. And why use up your crew credits on a
straight forward run like this. That would be like having crew at the
GC100. No way. Save them for something tough like GNW when you really
need someone out there. I hope they don't leave their empty bags on the
road. I had to pick up used Leppin wrappers on the trail at the Prom
recently. Not happy Jan. These runs are not fun runs. The spirit of
Fatass is as far removed from sanitised little water sachets as Bogong
is from the Blue Mountains. There'll be people running PMC in gorilla
suits soon.

No run today. Too tired. Weekly total of about 5km. Don't want to
overtrain. Upper body weights only. OMG I'm blogging.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Blog Silliness

There seems to be this compulsion to write blogs. I'm yet to be
convinced of the justification of such egotistical practices. Spend a
day with sick and dying people and do you really need the
self-indulgence that this form of expression demands? But on the other
hand perhaps it is the ideal forum to vent your spleen, climb up on
your soap box, or just ruminate at your leisure. Hmmmm.

WS2006 is approaching rapidly. I will be glued to the web master thingy
and immersing myself in the race from afar. I hope John gets his
buckle. Such a huge effort and commitment. I envy him being there but
look forward to my own opportunity.

Only 18 sleeps until WS2006.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Fat Ass Mania

What's going on? There are Fat Ass runs coming out of someones fat ass.
The calendar is full. No more. I can't cope.

Lots of sleeps left. I'm too tired to count.........

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Gee look only 392 sleeps

Guess we're down to 392 sleeps now! I better start training.

Friday, May 26, 2006

393 sleeps

Only 393 days until WS2007, but who's counting?

Oh, and for the lucky buggers (aka as those not silly enough to wait
another year) running WS2006, it's only 29 sleeps!

Whose idea was this?


this blog is about one man's obsession with running the Western States in 2007